Friday, May 4, 2012

Hi all. This is Little Bear, my sister, Yipper, is such a goof. She messed up Momma's camera. To anyone checking in we are all really trying to get our act together. As soon as everything is organized Momma's going to abandon us to stay in town for a couple of days to get it all uploaded and done. We live in the middle of nowhere and connect is slow and expensive. I don't know what Momma means when she says expensive but I guess she knows what she's talking about. I like where we live there birds,and bunnies, and squirrels to bark at and we have a really safe place outside to play. It's made of something called cyclone panels and is surrounded by Momma's flower beds. There's wire over the top so the hawks, falcons and owls can't get us and a lot of outside lighting and some big dog yards that keep the coyotes and bobcats away. Speaking of our of our outside play area, gotta go now, nature calls. Sincerely, Little Bear

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